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Book A Ceremony

Are you feeling called to take the next steps forward in your life towards alignment with your highest self? Do you feel a connection to us, our mission, and find that you would like to sign up for a ceremony here at Sacred Earth Sanctuary? If so, there are just a few necessary steps to get you set up and ready to join the SES Family.


To attend a ceremony, you must be a member of Sacred Earth Sanctuary. Please follow the link below to become a member.






1.) Please take the time to fill out our Intake Screening Form provided below. For the safety of all involved, it is important for us to learn about your background, medical history, and intentions before participating in a ceremony. Once the form has been submitted, please allow 2-5 business days for us to respond. If you are not accepted at this time, please understand that we prioritize those who are in serious need of help due to trauma, mental illness, terminal illness, and those seeking to connect with The Great Spirit. Please ensure you have filled out our membership form before submitting an Intake Screening Form!






2.) Once your Intake Screening Form has been reviewed and approved, you will receive an email within 2-5 business days with your assigned Membership Number, and instructions to book a 30-minute interview so that we may properly align you with the right ceremony and facilitator



3.) Once you have completed your interview and a ceremony has been determined, you will be provided a link to the schedule for booking. Please see below. 



** All ceremonies must be booked at least two weeks prior to the desired ceremony date. Appropriate time must be allowed for members to properly prepare.**


**Before emailing us with any questions, please review the website and FAQ's thoroughly. Most information needed can be found on our website. With the amount of inquiries coming in daily, it has become difficult to answer small questions via email. Thank you for understanding.**


We look forward to welcoming you into the SES Family! The first steps toward your highest self start here!

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Intake Screening Form
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Salisbury, MA

© 2025 Sacred Earth Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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Salisbury, MA

© 2025 Sacred Earth Sanctuary. All rights reserved.

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